I promise, in my term, to represent our good county to the best of my ability.
I promise not to raise taxes, lower budgets or cut funding.
I promise to increase awareness of things that are warming.
I promise to change my shirt if I spill something on it.
I promise to not have spinach in my teeth when I'm around others, I'll save that for private time.
I promise to give my full attention to any issues that I am asked to review, address, or in any way acknowledge.
Yes, it's true. I was chosen to be the Utah County representative to attend the re-dedication of the Utah State Capitol. They announced my name on the news and everything. I got the news about a month ago and I have to say I'm pretty darn excited. They told me that they chose 1 person from each county to be the representative for that area. There will be 9 of us there with this same responsibility. I get to bring a date and go hobnob amongst the Utah Elite. Maybe, just maybe I'll be able to bend some pretty important ears my way and discuss very important things with them. I feel so grown up. Do you think they know much about HI-5?