To increase the pleasure of starting yet another school year I promised my little ones to a proper, mall purchased pedicure. Yes, I know you are all thinking "But, doesn't she have a boy?"....Well, yes I do and he LOVES them, but that's not why I'm here telling you this great story......As an added treat for the little ones I told them that they could each bring along a friend. Needless to say that my kiddo's promptly got on the horn and invited a couple of LO'S kids to come along. If any of you know Lo's kids you know how much fun they are to be around and how inventive and persistant #3 is, so this next statement will not come as a surprise to any of you.......
My daughter #2 and Lo's #3 were waiting together almost patiently for me to finish primping. I guess I just wasn't primping fast enough for their liking BECAUSE I ended up having this conversation with them.....
My #2 comes into my bedroom with this stricken look on her face and says to me in a most urgent manner ...
"#3 said that we need to be in the car right now".
I look at #2 and said ...
"I'll just be a little bit longer"
#2 once again with heightened urgency stated...
"But #3 said that the spirit TOOOOLD her that we need to be in the car RIGHT NOW!"
A little bit weary of the query that I had to make to Lo's #3 child ( a cheeky child, only sometimes, I might add) I searched her out and asked.....
"#3, #2 just said that you think we need to be in the car????"
"YES!! The spirit is telling me that we need to be in the car and that you are taking too long to get ready"
WOW, was I humbled or what. How could I possibly feel good about myself if I didn't heed to the warnings of the spirit that inhabits the body of a first grader. My vanity was going to curse us all if I didn't act, and act fast.
After a little discussion about just exactly how much longer I was going to take (and a quick phone call to her parents to share the news) we were off on our way to the mall, spirit and all.
We had a grand time and all was well. And best of all we were able to start the new school year off on the right foot (pun intended). #3 is quite the spirited child!